Thursday, April 19, 2012

Eastern Shore Art Center: A History

This wonderful art center got started in 1954; its enthusiasts were patrons of the arts and local artists. The spot where the Eastern Shore Art Association sprouted and bloomed so successfully took root on the former spot where Pinewood Pottery Studio produced ceramics on a 20 year creative journey.

The fertile journey has continued for 58 years. The Eastern Shore Art Center has gained national recognition in the cozy, scenic city of  Fairhope, AL. Having lived there for several years in the early 1970's, I can vouchsafe to its charm, beauty, local color, seafood, and art.

The Eastern Shore Art Association was renovated in 1972. In 1977,  the current enlarged space was completed. It sponsors two outdoors art events per year, and national artists participate. These shows are free for the public to attend.

It houses 5 art galleries and ditto for studios in which classes are conducted. It holds a nice art library. The cool, quaint wood-burning kiln, which is an antique sits outside in back. The center also hosts a concert series. The members enjoy a gallery and 2 yearly member shows.

Come to the Gulf Coast and enjoy the salt air, seafood, and art.

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