This is the Finnish tale that tells how Santa Claus came to be the man that gives out toys to children at Christmas. The story unfolds that Nikolas is orphaned due to an accident. His village elders agree that one family will care for him one year, and he goes to another family the next and so forth.
To show his gratitude, Nikolas carves wooden toys for the family that helped him that year continuing to do this each year. One year a scourge hits his village. There isn't a family that can afford to feed him.
But a cranky reclusive carpenter gives him a home. He becomes an apprentice and has to work diligently. Nikolas is smart and becomes a good carpenter. The recluse begins to have affection for the boy as a son.
Nikolas' attention and heart are drawn further into the Christmas spirit of giving as time goes on. Thus, he transforms into Santa Claus when he is elderly. The film Christmas Story sparkles with the virtues of caring for other people and giving to others in a selfless manner.
Juha Wuolijoki directed this film. Marko Leino wrote the screenplay and the story was written by Aku Louhimies, Juha Wuolijoki, and Marko Leino.
There isn't a tomatometer rating for this film, but the audience gave it 58%. But don't let that stop you from seeing the movie and deciding for yourself.
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