Her career with Star Trek began with her role of Number One in the pilot episode (The Cage, 1964) with Captain Pike. But she wasn't accepted in that role by NBC's network executives. The women viewers that participated in test screenings didn't like her character either. Thus, Spock became the first officer. Though the network didn't like the Vulcan either. Apparently, hard to please.
She played Nurse Chapel in the original Star Trek series. She moved up to Doctor Christine Chapel in star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) (This was the original film based on the series.) and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986). In Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, she played Ambassador Lwaxana Troi.
Barrett's voice sounded as the computer in the first series from 1966-1969, Christine Chapel and M'Ress voices in the animated series (1973-1975), the Federation computer in Star Trek: TNG (1987-1994), Federation computer voice in DS9. Her voice featured in many Star Trek video games from 1994-1997. She was the voice in the Star Trek: The New Generation; Q-in-Law of 1992 a product of Simon & Schuster of New York.
She co-wrote the Star Trek Cookbook with Ethan Phillips published in 1998 by Pocket Books of New York City.
Barrett had a long and illustrious career associated with Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek despite the opinion of the executives and the women viewers that originally objected to her role as Number One.
Star Trek Crosswords Book 1
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